Koska vuorimaisemat olivat eilen mukavia, paatimme kayda ajamassa Moun Meen lenkin. Tie sinne on mukavan mutkainen ajaa ja Pajero selvisi maista valittamatta. Nakoaloja riitti ja raikas tuuli teki olosta helpon. Salmen suosittelema ravintola oli saanut tayden tilauksen, ja kertoivat meille etta voisivat palvella meita vasta 45 min kuluttua. Jatkoimme etsien vineryia jonka loysimmekin. Paikka oli aivan uskomattoman hieno, viinitarhat ymparilla, laaksossa lampia ja puiden varjot kelpasivat hevosille. Sinnekin oli tulossa suuri tilaus, mutta tarjoilija rakensi meille oman nurkkauksen jossa voisimme ruokailla. Nautimme erikoisesti lampaan fileista rosmariiniperunoiden kera. Hyva paikan valinta ja paatimme etta tulemme toistekin. Kun itse olin joutunut painamaan kaasua maelle noustessa, niin Sami nojasi jarruun alas tullessa.
Since the mountain view was so nice yesterday, we decided to see mt Mee too. The road there was pleasanlty curvy and our Pajero climbed up without any moans. Views were breath taking and a nice cool breeze made our stay a pleasent one.
The restaurant Salme had recommended was full, and we would have to wait there 45 minutes to get served. Hungry as we were, we travelled forward to a winery that the garcon directed us to. And lucky we did, since the place was simply incredible. Surrounded by wineyards, a pond in the valley and some horses gracing in the shadows, provided by beautiful trees.
This restaurant was expecting a group too with a full table setting, but they managed to fit us in at the back corner with huge glass windows revealing the landscape for the whole duration of our meal.
They fondeled our taste buds with succulant lamb fillet with rosemary country potatoes. This place seemed to be an excellent choise for any meal, and they even gave us a courtesy wine botlle, just for our five minute wait!
We switched drivers and Sami got to lean on the brakes going downhill, after Seppo had enjoyed Pajeros performance getting up there.
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