Lento Frankfurtiin oli vain pieni esilento. Siella jouduimme uudelleen viisa harjoituksiin jotka olivat ihan yhta vaikeat kuin Suomessa, tuntui silta etta halusivat paasta meista eroon hinnalla milla hyvansa kunhan saisivat parakraafit jarjestykseen.
Saivathan he lopulta ne siihen malliin etta paasimme koneeseen melkein viimeisina. Meille oli varattu erikoispaikka mihin sai kiinnitettya lapsilaatikon, mika osoittautui aivan hyvaksi keksinnoksi ainakin Lotan mielesta. Tassa Airbussissa oli erikoisen kapeat istuimet joihin piti oikein asettua, eika ainakaan putoamisvaaraa ollut. Singaporen Airlinesin henkilokunta hoiti hommansa viimeisen paalle hienosti adoptoiden meidat heidan erikoisasiakkaikseen. Palvelu pelasi ja olivat kovin tyytyvaisia kun Kirsi lupasi ruokkia lapsensa omilla evailla.
Lento Frankfurtista Singaporeen kestaa tovin eika aikaa kannata ajatella, joten elettiin Lotan aikataulujen mukaan. Ongelmia ei tullut, valilla seurusteltiin ja valilla syotiin.
Nukkuminen ei kuitenkaan onnistunut kovinkaan hyvin johtuen huonoista istuimista. Saavuttuamme Singaporen valtavalle lentokentalle, etsimme seuraavan yhteyden lahtoportin ja siirryimme transit hallin puolelle kuluttamaan aikaamme ja kaydaksemme maailman parhaiten hoidetuissa WC tiloissa ( lattialta voisi varmaan syoda)
The flight to Frankfurt was just a little hop compared to what was to follow. And again, the officials had to jump through hoops when clearing our visas. A usual ordeal with aussie visas, they tell us. After a while, it felt as they just wanted to get rid of us, at any cost.
Finally, the paper work was in order, and we were next to last ones to board the plane. We had special seats, in the baby basinet position. This worked out better than expected and Lotta was a happy camper throughout the next two flights. For us, it was a little different. This airbus had extra narrow seats, that you really had to squeese into. Well, atleast there was no fear of falling off :p The staff of Singapore airlines did a heck of a job, adopting us as their favourite customers. The service was phenomenal and they were happy and releived, when Kirsi said she would take care of Lotta's nourishment, with her own private milk bar.
It's a long way from Frankfurt to Singapore, and the best way to manage, is not to think of the time passing. And as it's been for the last 5 months, we were living by Lotta's schedule anyway. Amazingly enough, there was no trouble. She ate and she slept, all through the takeoffs and landings, and the cry's of every other baby or small child. For the rest of us though, no sleep at all, since the seats were just so uncomfortable.
After arriving to the gigantic Singapore airport, we sought out the connecting flight's gate. We hiked to transit hall, to spend some time and to visit the worlds tidyest toilets (you could propably eat from those floors)
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